Logs for our guild on Crusader Strike: https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/716885
Homeboys was a guild created on Razorgore EU at the start of Classic WoW launch with lots of the core members still around to raid together!
We have a mix of players that like to minmax/parse and also raids where we just want to chill and have a good time - we are always welcoming of new players and we understand that real life takes it's toll and people can come and go whenever suits them best! :)
Our aim is to run 1-2 High Performance a lockout with the main raid focussing on speed running towards the end of a phase
Phase 5 Raid time: Main Raid - Thursday 20:00ST - 22:00ST Pug run or ZG - Sunday 20:00ST - 22:00ST
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